SAP MM Interview Question and Answer 8


Explain pipeline process?

1. Create a Pipeline material - You can choose any price control V / S - MM01
2. Create pipeline info record - ME11
3. Maintain source list if required - ME01
4. Posting Goods issue from pipeline - MIGO_GI (Movement types: 201 P, 261 P, 281 P, or 291 P)
5. Settling Pipeline liabilities - MRKO

Business process - procurement of Electricity, water, oil etc.


What are the fields in purchasing view?

In the general data, purchasing group, plant specific material status, automatic PO, batch management are some of the fields. Of course, base unit of measure, order unit, material group are displayed from the basic data. In purchasing values, purchasing value key is a field. In other data, Quota arrangement, source list are some of the fields.


What are valuation area, valuation category and valuation class?

Valuation area:

Organizational level at which Material valuation is carried out
Valuation area = company code / Plant

Valuation category:

Criterion according to which split valuation is carried out based on

Valuation class:

Valuation class is used to group material with same account determination
Grouping different material with same properties into one valuation class, so that you don't have to manage a separate stock account for every material.


What is a credit memo?

When stocks are returned back to vendor after payment has been made for that stock, then a credit memo is issued to vendor stating that he is holding the payment made by us.


How are free items (free of cost goods) managed in a PO?

When you create purchase order for vendor at that time in line item data check box available for free delivery. So when you want to create purchase order with free quantity click on that check box.

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