SAP FICO basic interview questions.

What is base line date? Why is that used? Can this be changed?

Base line date is date from which terms of payment apply, by default base line date will display in invoice posting.

We can control the base line date in terms of payment configuration step (T-Code is OBB8).

Base line date may be: ---

a) Document date

b) Posting date

c) No default (For this option, the user should explicitly must define the baseline date in invoice posting).

d) Entry date.

What is park document and held document? (Differences).

A document can be parked to approve from higher authority and a document can be held if the information is not available to complete the postings.

So Basically Difference is-


1) Create internally assigned doc no.
2) It can be viewed in Account Display & most
3) Can be viewed/changed by any user so park doc. eventually get posted or deleted and creates a Document no.

(Ex. - needs authorization, waiting for clarification/incomplete info. etc.)


1) Create User assigned doc no. (External no) 
2) It cannot be viewed in A/c Display unlike Park Doc. 
3) Most imp...It can't be viewed/changed by other user

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