Dot Net Interview questions & Answers Set 2


Dot Net Interview questions & Answers

What is view state?

View State is the mechanism ASP.NET uses to keep track of server control state values that don’t otherwise post back as part of the HTTP form. View State Maintains the UI State of a Page View State is base64-encoded. It is not encrypted but it can be encrypted by setting Enable View Stat MAC=”true” & setting the machine Key validation type to 3DES. If you want to NOT maintain the View State, include the directive < %@ Page Enable View State="false" % > at the top of an .aspx page or add the attribute Enable View State=”false” to any control.


What is .NET Framework?

A programming infrastructure created by Microsoft for building, deploying, and running applications and services that use .NET technologies, such as desktop applications and Web services.

The .NET Framework contains three major parts:

* the Common Language Runtime
* the Framework Class Library


What is CLR? How it will work?

CLR means common Language runtime. Which is Engine of .net Platform. Which is responsible for execution of code, cross Language interoperability, garbage Collection, Security, Exception Handling.


What is JIT and how is works?

JIT is stands for just in time compiler in case of compilation
source code ->language compiler->MSIL->JIT->native\machine code

in case of compilation the source code is compiled by its language compiler like in case of it is compiled by its language compiler and then convert it in MSIL which JIT can understand and then JIT compile it and convert it in machine code types of JIT

1) Pre-JIT
It compile all methods at one time compilation

2) Econo-JIT

It compile only those methods which are called at run time

3) Normal JIT

It compile only those methods which are called at run time and the methods which are compiled at one time that is kept in cache and next time when that need it tack from cache


What is strong name?

A name that consists of an assembly identity? Its simple text name, version number, and culture information (if provided)? Strengthened by a public key and a digital signature generated over the assembly

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