SAP SD Interview question and answer 3


What are the delivery possibilities, when there is not enough stock available?

When there is not enough stock for delivery, we need to first check if customer accepts partial delivery for this item, if yes, then we can deliver the part quantity. If customer does not accept partial quantity then back order processing occurs for a new material availability date.


What is Back order processing?

Back order processing occurs in two cases.

1.    When the quantity requested by customer cannot be fully confirmed.

2.    When the requested delivery date cannot be met.



What is Returnable packaging processing means?

IT is used in the process whereby the business sells items to the customer. These items are packed into shipping units such as boxes and crates .Then the customer can keep the boxes and crates up to a certain period of time and then must return the item. Should the customer not have return the shipping units within specified date or have been destroyed, then business may bill the customer for damaged goods.
The stock we deliver as special packaging materials .We kept at customer site .It can viewed in "MMBE" with indicator "V".

Item category group is "VERP".
General item category is "LEIH".
"LAN" for returnable packaging pick up-(LA)
"LNN" for returnable packaging issue-(LN)
Material group =00804
"TAL" -item category for returnable packaging.


#SAP SD Interview Question and Answer

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