SAP FICO Interview question on bank
What is house bank, bank key?
Operating bank of client
is called House bank. It contains details about bank like bank key, account id, account number,
bank country and address of bank.
BANK key is a registered number given by RBI (in
India) to banks (corporate number) it is customized
at country level
Why do you use bank type in customer/vendor
master records?
In payment proposal run,
if the payment method (e.g. 'A' - autopay) is required bank details, the
vendor/customer's bank detail will then be sent into payment proposal. If you does
not specify, the first row of bank details will then be copied into payment
proposal. Somehow, customer/vendor
may have more than one bank accounts (e.g. USD,
SGD, HKD...). In such case, you can using the bank type to separate the bank detail. In the open items, you
should then make a change for those open item and assign the corresponding
'partner bank type'.
The payment proposal will then collect the
correct bank detail.
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